Comparison of follower schemes

xDrip » Features » Follow » Comparison of xDrip follower schemes

xDrip Sync Follower (needs internet except Desert Sync)

This is easy to set up. It relies on Google.

Nightscout Follower (needs internet)

This requires Nightscout to be set up. After Nightscout has been set up, you need to set up your uploader. If xDrip is your uploader, these are the required settings.

These are the follower instructions.

Dex Share Follower (needs internet)

This is an option if the master must be a Dexcom app.

On the follower, tap on Settings −> Hardware Data Source −> Dex Share Follower.

Follow Build your own Dexcom app

If you use the Build your own Dexcom app on the same phone as xDrip, you will not need internet access because you will be able to use local broadcast.

Companion App

If you use CamAPS or the official Dexcom app as the collector, you can use xDrip on the same phone with no internet access.

Web Follower (needs internet)

If you use Libre 3, you can use this option to have readings in xDrip.