xDrip and Clarity

xDrip » Features » xDrip & Dexcom » Clarity

xDrip can directly collect from G6/Dexcom One, or G7/One+.
xDrip cannot upload to Clarity.


Clarity is not the only way to create a report for your doctor.
xDrip can upload to Tidepool and you can use Tidepool to create reports.

You can use Nightscout, or even xDrip, and a simple word processor to create a report yourself. This explains how.

Doctor suggests Clarity

Your doctor is an important member of your team, and it’s important to work with them. While you should generally follow your doctor’s advice, you can ask questions. Show your doctor a report and inquire if they might find it acceptable, even if it is not from Clarity. I did this, and when my doctor saw my report, she was satisfied with it and no longer required Clarity.

If Clarity is a requirement

If your doctor does not accept alternative reports or if your insurance requires you to use Clarity, you will need to use Clarity.

Dexcom receiver

The Dexcom receiver can upload data to Clarity. If you get a Dexcom receiver, you can carry it with you, and it can coexist with an app like xDrip collecting data from the same Dexcom device. Once a month, you can connect the receiver to your computer via USB to upload data to Clarity.

If you use the G7 or One+, you only need to turn on the receiver once a day, as the G7 backfills data for 24 hours.


You can try BYODA. If it supports the Dexcom sensor you use and has the option to broadcast data to xDrip, you will be able to get readings in xDrip.

Companion app

You can run the Dexcom app on your phone and use the Companion app mode in xDrip to pass readings to xDrip.


Method Advantage Disadvantage
xDrip collector Easy Does not support Clarity
Receiver Easy xDrip setup Requires a receiver
BYODA Supports Clarity Not every sensor is compatible; potential two points of failure: xDrip and BYODA
Companion app Supports Clarity Potential two points of failure: xDrip and the companion app; if either fails, no readings in xDrip