
Google Cloud Nightscout » Google Cloud Nightscout Introduction


Thanks to JamOrHam, the current xDrip lead developer, for the idea, putting it together, implementing the installer, testing everything, and providing instructions.

Thanks to tzachi-dar, senior xDrip developer, for ideas, development of critical code, and for providing support.

You will need a credit card to set up billing. It will cost $0.03 per month or less. In Australia and China, it will cost more.

Here, we provide information only about Google Cloud Nightscout. There are other options. It is only you who can decide if this is the right option for you or not. Your objective should be to choose the best option for controlling your, or your loved one’s, diabetes under the supervision of a medical professional. And you should not accept pressure from anyone who may want to convince you to use their product. We have no financial incentive tied to the use of this software.

To complete installation, you will need to go through the Installation steps up to “Setting up followers”. You will need to use menus. This explains what to expect when using the menus. If you have followers, you will also need to complete the last installation item after.
It will take a while (about 90 minutes) to complete the entire setup. But, you can interrupt after each section and continue later.

Video clips are included to help with setup. They have no sound. To enlarge, click on the square symbol on the right side of the speaker symbol at the bottom of the video frame.