Google Cloud Nightscout full disk

Google Cloud Nightscout » Restore a system with full disk

If you created your setup a long time ago (August 2022) with a 10GB disk and never updated to increase the disk space to 30GB, your system will sooner or later stop working. This happens because there are processes that generate logs and snapshots that occupy considerable space. When the disk becomes full, SSH will not work anymore.
The best solution is to update before the disk is full.

The methodology described on this page to recover a system with a full disk is not easy. Please contact us if you don’t feel confident to follow the instructions or if you need help.


Create a snapshot of your Nightscout disk just in case something goes wrong.

Increase Nightscout disk size from 10GB to 30GB

Go to Compute Engine.
Under the heading “Name”, click on the Nightscout instance name.

Scroll down to “Storage”. After confirming that the disk space is 10GB, click on the disk name.

Now, you need to expand your browser screen horizontally until you can see “Edit” at the top. Click on “Edit”.

Edit disk size.

Change it to 30GB and save.

You now need to restart the server so that the file system uses the added disk space. This is a critical step that should not be forgotten.

Restore a system with a full 10GB disk

If you cannot connect to the virtual machine using SSH because the disk is full, even after increasing the disk size to 30GB, you may still not be able to connect.
This is because Ubuntu needs to adjust the file system to use the added disk space. But, if Ubuntu cannot start, it will not be able to do that.

We are going to create another (recovery) instance to use temporarily to fix this problem.
There may be a cost involved. We will use what’s needed to minimize cost. Hopefully, it will be free.