Google Cloud Nightscout Backup

Google Cloud Nightscout » Backup

You must have Nightscout running following install instructions for this to work.

Open a terminal. Select “Backup MongoDB and variables” from the Data submenu.
A compressed archive file, with the name you have chosen, will be created in the current directory containing Mongo database and variables.

You should transfer the backup off the virtual machine. Otherwise, you will lose it if you delete the machine.
To do that, exit the menu first. Let’s find out what directory you are in. Type and enter pwd. You will see something like this:
By default, you would be in your home directory and if your Linux useID is jane, your home directory will be called jane and it will be in the home directory.

Now, type and enter ls. You should see the files in the jane directory including the backup file you just created. Remember the filename.
click on download at the top on the terminal.

Enter a full path to the backup file. For example, if the backup filename is backup_Nov042022, the full path will be /home/jane/backup_Nov042022.
With the full path entered, click on “Download” to download the backup file to the device you are accessing your virtual machine on now.

It is possible that the terminal will disconnect when you attempt a download and shows a disconnect error. Just wait a minute and click on retry to reconnect. Try again and this time, it will download.

You should safekeep the backup.
