Hard Reset (Advanced)

xDrip » Features » xDrip & Dexcom » Hard Reset

Warning: This action cannot be undone. Ensure you really need to perform a hard reset before proceeding.

Disable engineering mode. Engineering mode is not required for a hard reset.

G6 can be hard reset using xDrip if the firmware version is or earlier. Transmitters with newer firmware cannot be hard reset without modifications.

1- Ensure proper connectivity to the transmitter.

2- Disable the Dexcom app as you cannot use both xDrip and the Dexcom app with the same transmitter simultaneously.

3- On the xDrip main screen, tap the treatment (dropper) symbol.

4- This will open a form with a numeric pad. At the bottom right corner, long-press the microphone symbol.

5- A keyboard will appear. Type Hard Reset Transmitter and tap Enter. A confirmation message will appear indicating that the attempt will be made. Do not exit xDrip; the command still needs to be sent to the transmitter.

6- Monitor the system status page. The command may take up to 5 minutes to be submitted to the transmitter. You will see a warning that the hard reset may have failed. Restart your phone or force stop xDrip and then restart it.

7- Delete the transmitter from the list of previously connected Bluetooth devices in your Android settings.