Download xDrip

xDrip » Download & Installation » Download xDrip

Stable Release

You can download the latest stable version under Latest from the GitHub repository.
On a mobile, you will need to scroll almost all the way down to reach Latest.

Alternatively, you can go to Release notes on this site, using the link at the top left in the header, and tap the link in the left column associated with the release marked Stable.

Nightly Releases

You can access the nightly builds (least tested but more recent) from Rreleases on the same GitHub repository page.

That will take you to a page where you can scroll through all the releases and tap on the release you are interested in.

Alternatively, you can go to Release notes on this site, using the link at the top left in the header, and tap the link in the left column associated with the release you are interested in.

What to download

After accessing the release you want, you will see something like this after expanding Assets:

Download the file with .apk at the end. If there are multiple files with .apk at the end, download the one without variant included in the name.
The file will be downloaded to the “Download” folder on your phone.



Release Notes

xDrip is not in Google Play Store …