Transmitter Battery condition

xDrip » Features » Dexcom » Transmitter Battery

G6 Battery

It’s not a good idea to have a replacement transmitter stashed. The battery ages even if you are not using the transmitter. In fact, if you look at the transmitter box, you can see two different dates printed on it. The first date is the date of manufacture. The second date is the date the manufacturer considers the transmitter to be too old. That’s because of the expected lifetime of the battery.

You can see 2 voltages (Voltage A and Voltage B) reported on the xDrip G5/G6 status page.

The voltages vary from transmitter to transmitter. But, what is consistent, for all transmitters, is that when the battery is about to fail, voltage B starts dropping on a continuous steep trajectory.
The following image shows voltage B for six different G6 transmitters.

You can see how your transmitter voltages have been changing as explained here.